01 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2008, everyone!

I know it's trite, but this past year really did fly by. I don't know where the last half of the year went. I swear, I looked up from everything, only to find that it was the beginning of December, already.

So I'll do the usual thing of listing my resolutions. Which aren't resolutions, per se, but a list of things I'd like to do this year. Which essentially absolves me of responsibility for seeing them through, of course, but hey, you have to start somewhere.

#1: I'll rollover the my resolution for, like, the past eight years: to get in touch with five people with whom I have lost contact. Facebook and its ilk have been remarkably helpful in achieving this resolution in 2007, however, I fell short of my goal of five. Three isn't bad. Four, if you count blog-stalking. :)

Corollary to #1: Stay in better touch, and send things when I think of them. I've had a sympathy card and a photograph set aside to send to a family for over two years now. I'm going to actually sit down and get these things written. There's no excuse, especially when I love mail - even if it's something difficult like a sympathy note.

#2: "Lose weight" is overdone - not to mention ripe for failure - but I really just want to make an effort to be more active. I'm hoping that will help me lose that which I've acquired over the past six months or so. I would like to take walks nightly when I get home, or after dinner - and that's going to require a change in my departure time from school. We'll see how this plays out!

#3: Express more love to more people. It is what I, as a Christian, am called - nay, commanded - to do. I should be less stingy about it.

#4: Read more, but also write more. I need to make more time for personal reading - it always gets such a short shrift during the school year, so I should just make it a higher priority. To accompany my reading, I would like to do more writing. I mean, I have this blog, but it's pretty casual, if you hadn't noticed. I'd like to do more researched writing. Where I'm going to find the time for this, I don't know. But I'm sure I can stuff it in somewhere. I just need to give fewer assignments, right? :)

#5: Improve my posture. I need to stop slouching. Particularly when seated - I need to be mindful of sitting up straight. This is where taking ballet as a kid would have helped.

I wish you all peace and joy in the coming year. I don't know what 2008 holds, but I'm sure it will be some extraordinary stuff!

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