02 August 2007

Back Home Again...

In Indiana...

I am amazed by clear skies at 400p. In FL, we'd already be on our second round of thunderstorms by now. It is amusing to see everyone complain about how hot it is.; air temperatures in the 80s are actually refreshing. I'm also startled by how green it is. We normally come back to Indiana in the dead of winter - for Christmas - and it's usually very grey and barren and cold. The corn is pretty tall, it's light out until 900p (I don't understand how this works - I guess we're just that far west in the time zone), and there's even a bit of topography, too. Okay, the topography doesn't change in the summer, but it's shocking to see even rolling hills after acclimating to Florida's lack of them.

Not much internet access, and I'll be busy with wedding stuffs soon. Updates when possible. I know you're dizzy with anticipation.

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