18 August 2010

Stuff Jen Likes IV

The smell of tomato vines

Baking on parchment paper

The cello


Front seats on roller coasters

The contrast of bright white planes or birds against dark clouds

Parsley. I'll eat your garnish right off your plate.

Cherries from canned fruit cocktail

Dichroic glass jewelry

Cake. Ice cream. But not cake-and-ice-cream together on the same plate. I don't like when the cake soaks up melted ice-cream.

Skirts. Much preferred to pants.

Iconography in medieval and renaissance art


String bracelets

Robert Talbott ties

Earl Grey tea

Tomato paste in a tube


and so it is... said...

you have a blog?! yesss!!! this is great by the way:)

Jennifer said...

I do! But I go through periods of horrible negligence in posting. :)