26 June 2011

Summer Projects

It's summer, which means I finally have time to tackle all the projects that come up during the school year. I've also been inspired by last year's cleaning and purging of a friend's apartment and classroom, prior to her cross-country move. And it just feels good to live light. Here's my summer-project list. I'm really good at starting projects, but less good about finishing them, so maybe some public-post accountability is what I need. ha ha

Clear out old semester exams (I have 7 years of exams in a file cabinet in my classroom)

Clear out old college notes and books (I moved these across the country twice. Twice too many.)

Shred pay stubs (how many do I need to keep, anyhow?)

Clean out old cosmetics (my morning routine is significantly shorter than it once was, and there's a bunch of stuff in my train case that I never use)

Jewelry repair (need to fix a bunch of things that broke this year)

Make some fun headbands with feathers and ribbons

Give new life to a marker-stained skirt (I think maybe with buttons to camouflage the stain)

Finish knitting some scarves for friends

Teach myself to crochet

Make some felted cup cozies - maybe my coffee shop can sell some?

Make postcards from my travel pictures

Make a vintage-cookbook-page wreath

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

To update, I am impressed with how much I accomplished! And of course, I added several projects to the list in the meantime...

Clear out old semester exams (I have 7 years of exams in a file cabinet in my classroom)
Done! Recycled!

Clear out old college notes and books (I moved these across the country twice. Twice too many.)
Done! Recycled! Not going to move them a third time.

Shred pay stubs (how many do I need to keep, anyhow?)
Done! Recycled!

Clean out old cosmetics (my morning routine is significantly shorter than it once was, and there's a bunch of stuff in my train case that I never use)
Done! Sent a few treat boxes to friends, swapped some, gave some to girls in the dorms.

Jewelry repair (need to fix a bunch of things that broke this year)
Done! Then I broke another necklace that needs fixing I can't do.

Make some fun headbands with feathers and ribbons
Done! Four cute ones done, two in the making.

Give new life to a marker-stained skirt (I think maybe with buttons to camouflage the stain)
Midway through! Might finish tomorrow. Buttons are super-cute to hide spots.

Finish knitting some scarves for friends
Midway through! Might finish one tomorrow. Another I dropped half the loops off the needle and will need to do some serious repair work - or else just proclaim it finished...

Teach myself to crochet
Haven't started.

Make some felted cup cozies - maybe my coffee shop can sell some?
Didn't start. Might send some back from Hawaii.

Make postcards from my travel pictures
Done! Thank you snapfish and free shipping codes!

Make a vintage-cookbook-page wreath
Done! See post above!