17 August 2010

What I Have to Show for My Summer

A broken foot

A lovely vacation, up until (and quite frankly, even including) the aforementioned foot

Catching up with a long-neglected friend in California

A lot of grading:
- 2413 question-1s on the 2010 AP Chemistry exam

A lot of cleaning:
- A better cleaning of a friend's refrigerator than I have ever done to my own.
- An organized pantry, two bedrooms, and an office (in progress), inspired by the aforementioned friend's pre-move cleanout.

A lot of reading:
- Francis Chan, Crazy Love
- Donald Miller, To Own a Dragon
- CS Lewis, The Four Loves
- Brent Curtis and John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance
- Henri Nouwen, Spiritual Direction
- Ravi Zakarias, Light in the Shadow of Jihad
- Ted Dekker and Carl Medearis, Tea with Hezbollah (in progress)
- Jim Wallis, The Soul of Politics (in progress)
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love (in progress)
- A year's worth (or so) of backlogged Saveur magazines

A lot of book-buying:
- Several by Jim Wallis
- Several by CS Lewis
- Several by Kahlil Gibran

I'm never as productive as I intend, but I'd say this was a summer well-spent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

pshh eat pray love JUST came out..why waste time reading ;) lol