26 June 2010

Bad on Bagpipes

A year or so ago, some friends were over for dinner, and - inexplicably - we started this list. I just rediscovered it in with some other papers, and, well, here you go:

Songs that would NOT sound good on bagpipes
Jingle Bells
Jesus Freak - dctalk
All Out of Love - Air Supply
It's My Life - Bon Jovi

I've decided to start using the phrase "That's as bad as Jingle Bells on the bagpipes". I'm hoping it'll catch on.


Unknown said...

Sweet Child of Mine
Hokey Pokey
Walk this Way

But I'm thinking that Sweet Emotion and Stairway to Heaven might actually sound pretty good on bagpipes

Jennifer said...

Thanks! I knew we had more, but I didn't write them down.

Yes - I can totally hear Sweet Emotion. I mean, Steven Tyler's already a little bagpipey.