16 November 2011

Craftings: T-Shirt Refashioning

So I've been addicted, in my unemployment, to pinterest, where in a 5-minute span, I can grow my project-list exponentially.  But, I now have time for all the projects I've accumulated for the past seven years!  So I've been doing a lot of crafting and DIY projects.

One recent obsession: refashioning t-shirts into new things.  I'm kicking myself for giving away so much of my clothing before we moved - I could do so much with them now! :(  Well, Goodwill has provided me with some cheap supplies!

I found some directions to make scarves/necklaces out of t-shirt jersey material.  I cut a bunch of strips/loops from t-shirts, stretched them so they roll up on themselves, and assembled.  What fun!

 Made this one because I loved a former colleague's combo of purple and lime she wore one day.

  Cut spirals out of t-shirts.  In retrospect, I'd have made them larger slash used a larger shirt, because this scarf is a little scrawny.

I was concerned that this one plays a little too 80s - but it actually looks kind of cute with a darker kelly green top and white skirt.

  Finger-knit braided bracelets - what a fun (and VERY instant-gratification) technique!.

 Chrysanthemum pin made from sleeve scraps.

  If I were to do this one over I'd have made it shorter and thicker.  But I did dye this one myself, and the pink shows a nice subtle variegation.  I also achieved this pink using black food coloring and boiling water. Pink was the only tone that stuck to the cotton.

  This one's going to a friend. :)

 This one, too. :)

 But this one I'm keeping.  To me, it's very oceany.  And makes good use of a bunch of surplus buttons!  It's a hybrid scarf-necklace (scarflace?  ew, no) made of long loops doubled-up on themselves.  But I've worn it so it cascades a little more.

There are more t-shirt projects coming, as soon as I can get back to a thrift shop! 

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