23 November 2011

Craftings: Cardboard Star Wreath

So I've been on quite the crafting binges lately.  And a lot of them have involved reuse of otherwise unused objects.  Partly because of thrift, and partly because we live on an island now, and I'm a lot more sensitive to our waste these days.  Not that I wasn't before, but when you live on a very small pinpoint in the middle of the sea from which our garbage gets shipped, anything I can do to recycle or upcycle seems prudent.  Anyhow, I saw a how-to online for cardboard 3-D stars (which will be perfect for Christmas cards later this year - we'd already recycled a ton we'd saved before we moved).  So I took a cereal box and pizza box that otherwise would have gone in the recycling bin, grabbed my x-acto knife, and got to work!

Then I painted my stars a silvery sage green, plus an extra pearly coat on the smaller stars.

Some I left cardboard-colored, scored, and folded them into 3-dimensional stars. 

Then I grabbed a nasty wire hanger (you know, the cheapy ones that your dry-cleaning comes back on - blech), fashioned it into a circle, bent the top back into a loop, and then hot-glued the crap out of it on the back.

Stuck the 3-d stars on top of the flat green ones, making sure to gob them with hot glue wherever they touched the stars under them.

Close-up of the bottom.

On the door!  There's a sheer shimmery ribbon that matches it quite well that's looped around the top where the hook is - but I may take it off.  Haven't decided.

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